
For more than 50 years, the FDL has been a proud supporter of the Duarte Library and the entire community. They have worked constantly to try and ensure that good things happen all around. They cannot do it without help and luckily there are people who give contributions to them to ensure they can do what they need to do. They have also received grants, which has enabled them to purchase Kindles and other things. Are you interested in seeing what they have to contribute or perhaps contributing what you can?

Things to Do at the Duarte Library

Each summer, there is a story time for you to enjoy. We have computers, books, Kindles, Legos for kids to express their creativity with, and so much more. There is also a festival of authors held to celebrate the authors that live locally and encourage others to become writers themselves. During the summer reading program, you will be able to make recipe books or aprons, paint pictures, and enjoy the story that has been chosen for that week.

Why Become Involved?

The FDL is a group of people who volunteer to devote their life to the library. They are all volunteers who work hard to ensure that kids have a reason to be interested in reading, learning, and playing. It is all about expressing their creativity. It is for the kids and the adults. It is to make the community a better place to be. You could also be a part of it and have a positive impact on the community.